Spring Season Q&A With Dr. Aswathy
Dr. Aswathy Krishna.R is an Ayurvedic doctor and final year post-graduate scholar in Dravya guna vijnana (Ayurvedic Pharmacology)Â
1. What is Ayurvedic Medicine?
Ayurveda translates to “the science of life” and is a 5000-year-old holistic system of medicine indigenous to India. The main aim is to prevent disease from happening and to protect the health of a healthy person. Ayurveda, like yoga – it’s sister-science – emerged from the great Vedas (Atharvaveda).
 “Yatha Pinde tatha Brahmhande” translates to: as is the Macrocosm, so is the Microcosm,
The human body is a microcosm of the universe (macrocosm), and Ayurveda shows us that if we follow certain practices and principles that help attune our bodies to the natural world, we achieve homeostasis, health and longevity.
2. How can an appropriate seasonal diet help create balance and harmony?
The microcosm (body) as well as the macrocosm (universe) is composed of five basic elements of nature – air (vayu), ether (akasha), water (ap), earth (prthvi), and fire (tejas). These elements are expressed as three biological humors in the physical body: Vata (ether, air), Pitta (fire, water) and Kapha (earth, water) and are responsible for homeostasis. The season and the diet are factors which influence the balance of these three humors inside us. So that’s why Ayurveda advises to follow an appropriate seasonal regimen and diet to maintain balance in the body.
3. How does nature’s transition from winter to spring affect the human body?Â
Energy levels can be low during Winter because according to Ayurveda, energy is drained from the body leaving you more tired. Winter is a time of increased Vata in the body. But during Spring, the Sun provides more energy to the body which improves our energy levels and is a time of increased Kapha.
4. According to Ayurveda, what foods are best for balancing the body during Spring?
During Spring season (Vasanta), Ayurveda advises us to stick to foods and herbs that taste acrid/pungent (Katu), bitter (Tikta) and astringent (Kasaya). For example acrid includes coffee, onion, ginger, garlic, and cayenne pepper, bitter includes dandelion root, fenugreek, turmeric root, radish, broccoli, cranberries and sprouts, and astringent includes apples, bananas, cabbage, cauliflower, pomegranates and honey. Also juicing with these herbs, vegetables and fruits pacifies Kapha.
5. What is your personal favorite meal to enjoy during the spring season? Perhaps you could recommend a recipe from your blog that I can suggest?
We created an energizing smoothie recipe that is perfect for Spring with energizing spices, Kapha pacifying Ayurvedic herbs and satiating protein.Â